
Taste sense

Taste sense   

Can a taste be identified by any part of the tongue?

Our sense of taste is the sense that enables us to recognize flavors, and this task is helped by our sense of smell.  Therefore, when we have a cold, food seems as if it has less flavor.

Basically, as humans, we are able to identify four flavors: salty, sour, sweet and bitter

The taste that we obtain when we eat something is a combination of all of these, perceived through the taste buds that cover the surface of our tongue. However, the taste buds are specialized in detecting specific flavors, and they cannot identify any other flavors that we consume.


Hypothesis: can a taste be identified by any part of the tongue or is it only identified by a certain area of the tongue? 

In pairs, we are prepared three concentrated solutions: one with sugar, one with salt and one with instant coffee, adding a spoonful of each to three different glasses. Then we also have added water gradually until they have been dissolved totally.

Then, students have put each other a drop on a specific point on his/her classmate's tongue without them knowing the place or the substance used. Afterwards, they have marked the position on the drawing of the tongue.

Finally, we have tried to prove our initial hypothesis. Taste sense is certainly dependent of different gustative receptor cells able to percebre the different chemical substances which contain food.


Conlusion: Our hypothesis was confirmed. And you can see it here